A well-being group is a supportive space for dialogue facilitated by volunteers. In the well-being group participants can express thoughts and feelings openly and free.
A well-being group is a space with an inviting, warm, and listening atmosphere to ventilate the challenges and dilemmas faced in everyday life.
A well-being group is not a professional or therapeutic offer. Volunteers who facilitate a well-being group are there to open a dialogue, not to fix problems or offer practical help.
How does a well-being group work?
A well-being group is held continuously based on the participants' needs and the volunteers' resources.
Every session in a well-being group opens with a video explaining a theme such as stress, crisis, or self-care.
Volunteers offer a dialogue after the video, and all participants are invited to share their thoughts and challenges.
Who can start a well-being group?
A well-being group is facilitated by volunteers. If you want to start a Safe Space with a group of people or friends, you download the facilitation guide with ideas, questions for conversations, and referrals below.
We recommend the volunteer facilitators to have knowledge about psychological first aid, so participants reactions can be handled with care.
If you want to start a well-being group or have any questions, you can write to integration@rodekors.dk