Want to improve your Danish?

At Danish Red Cross both children and adults can get help practicing Danish from our volunteer language trainers. The Red Cross’ activities are for those who have just arrived in Denmark, and for those who have been in Denmark for a while.  
Red Cross has activities online and in local cafés throughout the country.

I do not have any friends in Denmark I can practice Danish with. That is why I watch TV and listen to podcasts, but that is not enough for me to get a lot better and therefore I need to talk to people and Sprogland has given me that.

- Participant on Sprogland.dk

Want to join online language training? 

On Sprogland.dk you can book video conversations with volunteer language trainer from the Red Cross. Together with the volunteer you can practice conversational Danish, get help practicing pronunciation, or prepare for your oral Danish exams.

If you are interested in practicing more work-related words you might want to book a volunteer with a professional background and work experience, within the field of your interest.
Currently, you can book conversations within the field of “healthcare and social services”.  

Sprogland Junior 

On Sprogland.dk children in the ages 9-15 years can practice Danish with a language trainer when using “Sprogland Junior”. When the parents have created a user profile, they will be matched with a volunteer from Sprogland Junior. 

Sprogland has been developed in collaboration with Boblberg.

Want to join one of our language cafés?

Red Cross has local language and homework cafés throughout the country. In these cafés volunteers help with homework and language training. The language cafés are primarily aimed at young adults and adults, whereas the homework cafés are aimed at children.
The Red Cross language cafés work as a supplement to the official Danish language schools. You can get help with school assignments, practicing everday Danish or difficult words from your workplace. An important part of the cafés is the positive and warm community and the opportunity for fun and socializing. 

In the homework cafés children can get help with their homework, both children with refugee background and children, who have lived in Denmark all their lives. Most of these cafés are run in collaboration with schools, libraries, or housing associations.


Find your nearest language or homework café here: Sprogunivers - se sprogcafeer | Røde Kors.

If you have questions or want to know more about the activities in your local area, write to: integration@rodekors.dk.


Frequently asked questions


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I Sproguniverset findes alle sprogtilbud, som Røde Kors har for flygtninge og indvandrere i Danmark. Her er information til eksisterende frivillige, til deltagere og alle andre, der har lyst til at vide mere om mulighederne.


Find meget mere information og materialer om sprogtræning og muligheden for selvstudie her.

