The Danish Red Cross wants to prevent all forms of corruption, fraud, sexual violations and abuse of power. If you are aware of illegal acts or suspect that illegal acts or irregular behaviour is taking place within the Danish Red Cross, we would like to hear about it. We protect informants, which is why we have created this whistleblower portal for anyone who wants to report serious issues to us.

The whistleblower scheme is for all citizens, employees, volunteers, partners and others. Your report goes to our external partner, the Poul Schmith-Kammeradvokaten lawfirm, which assesses whether the case is covered by the whistleblower scheme.

Go to reporting

What can be reported?

You can report serious issues or suspected serious issues concerning Danish Red Cross activities. This could be misuse of financial means and criminal offences by the Danish Red Cross or by the Danish Red Cross' partners. They may also be sexual violations and circumstances that violate the Danish Red Cross' policies and Code of Conduct.

The Whistleblower scheme does not in principle cover co-operation difficulties, bullying, alcohol or other personnel-related matters that are handled internally by contacting your local management or the Danish Red Cross' HR Department.

The whistleblower scheme should of course be used if internal communication channels are not possible. You can also choose to report to the Danish national whistleblower scheme set up by the Danish Data Protection Agency at whistleblower.dk

A more detailed description can be found in our whistle blower policy.


The whistle blower scheme allows you to remain anonymous when submitting your report, you are not required to reveal your identity. As a whistle blower, you are therefore free to choose whether you want to report anonymously or with your name and contact information.

The Danish Red Cross encourages you to include your name and contact information in your report, as it may be difficult to investigate your report if you choose to remain anonymous. The Danish Red Cross ensures anonymity to the greatest extent possible when the Danish Red Cross processes your report.

If you want to ensure that you remain anonymous, please do the following:

  • Do not report from your Danish Red Cross work computer
  • Do not use a computer connected to the Danish Red Cross network
  • Access the whistleblower system directly by copying the URL address into an Internet browser instead of using the link
  • You must not enter your personal information or any other information that could reveal your identity

In the personal data policy for the whistle blower system you can read how we handle your personal data. Find the policy here

Set up a secure mailbox

When you submit a report to the Danish Red Cross whistleblower scheme, you will receive a code. The code allows you to access and follow up on your report in the Danish Red Cross whistleblower portal, including communicating with the Danish Red Cross whistleblower unit on the whistleblower portal.

The Danish Red Cross encourages you as a reporter to save the code, as it may be difficult for the Danish Red Cross whistle blower unit to conduct a further investigation of your report without additional information from you. Communication via the whistle blower ensures confidentiality about your identity, the identity of the person concerned and any third party mentioned in the report.

Is your inquiry related to the Red Cross in a country other than Denmark?

The Red Cross Red Crescent consists of many independent organisations. If your report concerns a Red Cross or Red Crescent national society in a country other than Denmark, you can report your concerns to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) using the following reporting channels: