Do you and your family struggle to find security and stability in a new everyday life? Gain knowledge about family well-being and suggestions for exercises you can do together to help take care of each other.

Go back to the other themes or Find a community


Do you and your family struggle to find security and stability in a new everyday life? Gain knowledge about family well-being and suggestions for exercises you can do together to help take care of each other.

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Find a community

How do you strengthen family life in a new setting?

  • Get knowledge about what affects family well-being 
  • Get inspiration on how to strengthen the family in the new setting

How can you handle the sorrow and longing for your family? 

  • Get knowledge about common reactions to being separated from your family 
  • Get strategies for living with the longing in your everyday life  

The Danish Red Cross’ Tracing Service

The Tracing Service works to reconnect family members separated due to war and conflicts. We can help you search for family members or exchange messages between families when no other means of communication are possible – for instance, if your family members are prisoners of war.

Contact the Tracing Service by e-mail: or phone: +45 3525 9200

Read more here.